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Mindful Musical Life
We all could use more control of our mental space. How often during your day, either while engaging with music or not, do you feel like you are bobbing in a turbulent sea of thoughts and emotions? Many of us feel as though our minds control us, sending us into deep and troubled waters without our consent. This mental state often continues onto the stage, or into the practice room, infecting our relationship to music in much the same way.
Mindful Musical Life provides tools, readings, and practices to change your relationship with your thoughts and help you gain space between you and your emotions. This mental and emotional space then translates to music making, allowing us to be more present in musical settings and throughout our day-to-day lives.
Click here to find out more about the founder of Mindful Musical Life, Dr. Kevin Miescke.
The Mindful Musical Life Podcast
Listen to our most recent episode below.

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